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How to become a member of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers

Routes to Membership



New members are often introduced to the Company by a friend or family member. We also welcome approaches from candidates who are motivated to belong, and to give, in the historic context of a livery company. Where candidates do not have an existing link to the Company, you will be introduced to members and invited to a range of events, in order to best understand what membership entails, and whether or not the 'fit' is right for you, and for us. 



Introduced by paternal or maternal link.



You will already be attending an Ironmongers’ linked school, or be recipient of an Ironmongers’ Award. Aged between 17-26, you are invited to discuss becoming a Scholar for 4 years with a view to joining as a full member thereafter.


Admission fines and subscriptions

There is an Admission fee (‘fine’) to pay before the day you join the Company, and thereafter a small monthly subscription. Full details will be shared when you contact the Company.


The application process

  • Contact the Membership Manager to discuss visiting the Hall and to find out more about membership–

  • You will be encouraged to visit the Hall and invited to an informal social event to meet some friendly Ironmongers

  • We will help find you a formal sponsor and seconder who will need to be in place to sponsor your application

  • A meeting will also be set with the Clerk (Chief Executive) of the Company to meet and discuss next steps

  • You will be invited to an interview with a small group of current members.

  • Following this, and if all parties are happy, you will be welcomed as a member of the Company.


Please contact the Membership Manager who will be delighted to hear from you.

Being an Ironmonger means being a part of the history and traditions of the City and the Livery. Through the significant work of the charities, committees, and outreach, it provides the ability and opportunity to do good in a targeted, structured, and managed fashion.

Shan Islam, Liveryman

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