STEM Projects
In line with the Company's history and in response to the shortfall of skilled STEM workers in the UK, the Ironmongers’ Foundation wishes to support initiatives that encourage young people to study science subjects at school and go on to pursue STEM-related further education or vocational training, particularly in the area of Materials Science.
The Foundation considers Materials Science to be science applied to understanding the production, properties and engineering applications of materials. This may be considered from the perspective of physics, chemistry, mathematics or vocational studies.
The Foundation works in partnership with other organisations to deliver specific projects, which must meet all of the following criteria:
Grants are made to registered or exempt charities only. Applications will not be accepted from schools. Projects involving corporate partners must have charitable purposes and be for public benefit, not private gain
Activities must be within the UK, with a preference for urban areas outside London and particularly areas in the north and midlands with a manufacturing presence
Preference will be given to projects engaging young people between the ages of 11 and 18 from disadvantaged backgrounds. Participants should be within this age range or be educators working with young people within this age range
Activities must be additional to those funded by government or other sources e.g. covered by school budgets.
Projects should have clear objectives and measurable outcomes, providing repeat engagement and focusing on how they will enhance the Science Capital of young learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. A written evaluation report demonstrating how impact has been measured must be provided on completion
Items of equipment will only be funded as part of specific programmes of activity. Building/capital works are not eligible
The Foundation prefers to support smaller projects where it is the sole funder or its contribution makes a real difference.
Grants of under £10,000 are considered.
Application Procedure
Applications should be emailed to charities@ironmongers.org or sent to the postal address below, and must be no longer than four sides of A4.
A description of the project should be provided, including:
Aims and objectives of the organisation
How the need for the work has been identified and why the project is the best way to address this
A detailed description of the project and the activities that will take place
The anticipated outcomes and the methods by which the success of the project will be evaluated
A full breakdown of the costs involved, explaining how the figures have been calculated.
The Foundation Committee meets three times per year in January, May and September. The deadlines for receipt of applications are 1 December, 1 April and 1 August respectively.
REG. CHARITY NO. 219153-10